Thursday, September 3, 2009

30 things you didnt know about me

  1. I'm fifteen
  2. I'm a very picky eater
  3. I am not ellergic to anything
  4. I have only one kidney(because it exploded)
  5. I have broken my right arm three times
  6. I have broken my left leg only once
  7. I am five foot five
  8. My favorite game is halo 3/ halo 2
  9. I bowl but I love to play billiards
  10. I dont like most kinds of meat
  11. My favorite movie of all time is transformers 2 and number 1
  12. I dont like horror movies
  13. I am good at hockey
  14. I think my brother is a clone of me (lol?)
  15. My shoe size is nine point five
  16. This is my first time blogging
  17. I'm 25% Irish
  18. I love action movies
  19. I like to draw
  20. I play World Of Warcraft, for the Horde or the Alliance,(I play on Dragonblight) look at the bottom of this page....
  21. My favorite color is black, but not pure black
  22. I have brown/ blackish hair
  23. I LOVE chocolate
  24. I HATE pinnaple
  25. I dont like to wear jeans...
  26. I have a Dell at home
  27. I dont like to paint, but i like art
  28. I used to go to CPMA, before this school
  29. I cant think of anything to put in this spot
  30. I like football and dont like baseball