Monday, November 9, 2009
Hero project description
A hero becomes a hero by doing something that inspires someone to idolize them in a sort of way that is a little astray from worship. But a hero is a only a hero in the eyes of the person/people that idolizes them.
Project description
i think the "Hero in my eyes" project was a way to see who we idolize and what we believe a hero is, to see our different hero and what some people do to become a hero, and what we would do to make sure they know we are inspired by what they did.
the most effective habits i used while writing this project was to focus on the task at hand. If the teacher gave us a " thing" to do i went right to it, most of the time, but the point is that its a very useful skill to learn if you have trouble turning things in.
i think one of the challenges i encountered was getting everything in on time because in retrospect, it was a lot of work to do. I think somethings I would have done different was i would have written more of my homework during the hero in my eyes assignment down in my planner. writing stuff in my planner is a really good way to keep my homework organized, and so i don't forget what it was or forget to look on the DP's.
Hero in my eyes post
my hero
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Saving a Child
Origin of Zero

well I guess thats not the end of our discussion. will still have to discuss you invented zero. well the answer is no one did, its just a virtual representation of a number between -1 and 1, and
what scientists put on a calculator so we know thats what we start at when we use one, and yes overall its the government's fault and its all part of their plan to brainwash us so they can destroy the world!!!!!! ya its shocking i know.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Literary Devices
Catching the signal from one of her friends, Angela brushed her skirt, took a deep breath and walked towards where he was sitting. As she stumbled towards he boy, Angela noticed the ends of his lips curl up to reveal three rows of sharp, crisp white teeth fresh with the blood of his latest devoured victim. As she got closer and closer to the demon child, the wet grass kept sticking to the souls of her shoes, pace by pace slowing her down like they were reaching out with the small green fingers, trying to stop her from reaching the side of this sin of nature. But she could not stop destiny. She knew she was destined to lead this creature into the real world, she knew the boy would react in violence to how the commoners treated him. They would think him an abomination; and they would cast him away like he was trash waiting for the compacter. Angela turned her head to face her friends, and saw the looks of sadness on they faces, knowing their demise was soon to come in the near future of cataclysmic catastrophes, that involved Angela and this demon boy. She finally turned away from her friends and propped herself next to the boy and said "come with me young master, your destiny awaits."
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I smiled as I glided over the water; I looked up at the sun as it bathed my body with rays of light. Suddenly I felt my board slide from under me, and my smile faded from my face and I felt a searing pain shoot through my body starting from my left side until it reached my right shoulder muscle. I blacked out.
I awoke to a rumbling of metal against metal. I realized I was in my mom’s car, and by the direction of the road we were taking I guessed we were headed to Scripps hospital. I wondered why might she be driving to Scripps? Then reality hit me like a bull made of led! I had somehow injured myself during surfing badly enough to be sent to the hospital. I blacked out again.
My vision blurred as I gained a perception on what was around me and I noticed I was in a bed in a hospital. I glanced out the door at the people passing by outside that I’ve never seen before, why was I here? I thought. I noticed a figure standing across the room from me, with a grin on his face; hmm I wonder what he could want? But I didn’t have time to give myself an answer before I drifted into blackness again. As I regained consciousness I heard someone whispering my name, “Mitch, Mitch?” I realized who it was, it was my mom and my aunt and my cozen. I saw that my brother wasn’t there, I wondered why? But now was not the time to care I had others who wanted to be with me in my time of need.
Soon after I got settled I kept track of how long I had been in the hospital and what my schedule was. First my doctor would come in and see if my blood transfusion was in my arm properly, then every night at around one AM people would come to me and draw my blood from my right arm like vampires. I would black out, and wake up to the sound of my dad or my mom coming in and resting on the bead next to me, and I would try to get up but they would tell me to stay lying down until the doctors said it was ok for me to walk. This cycle repeated until I was ready to go home for the first time in weeks.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Metal, Roar, Shrieks and Mumurs
and the gates of the tomb where wealthy people stay are opening and closing, for no reason but to scare you. Something hits your eardrum, its the faint sound of what seems like a bird, it calls to its master but the master can not be found. grief and sadness overwhelm you as hear the beat of ghostly construction workers, working on a time consuming job that can never be finished. the yell of a gargantuan hits your ear as you fade into oblivion. blackness overwhelms you and fall into nothingness.
Friday, October 2, 2009
The locker problem (Mitch's way)
Mitchell gill
The locker problem
The order of the lockers is, open, closed, closed, open, closed, closed, closed, closed, open, closed, closed, closed, closed, closed, closed, open, the pattern of closed lockers goes on and on, adding two closed lockers for every open locker. Open lockers are perfect squares, because they have an odd # of factors. Closed lockers have an even # of factors. Factors = 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 are factors for locker 16, that’s an odd # of factors.
Factors = 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18 are factors for 18, that’s an even # of factors. This leads up to 31 lockers being open and 961 being closed.
Locker 1 Open odd | Locker 2 Closed even | Locker 3 Closed even | Locker 4 Open odd | Locker 5 Closed even |
Locker 6 Closed even | Locker 7 Closed even | Locker 8 Closed even | Locker 9 Open odd | Locker 10 Closed even |
Odd = odd # of factors even = even # of factors
Sunday, September 27, 2009
SLOB Scene addon

After a whole hour Rosaleen and me gave up on hitch hiking and started walking down on the moist grass down the way from the road. its was starting to get late so we layed down and drifted off into blackness of the dream. I awoke to the sound of a man singing a song I've never heard before so I figured it was Catholic or some form of religious speech. he spotted me huddled in the grass, and he stopped and said, " hay there little lady! don't you know how late it is?, your family is going to be very worried about you, you should probably be getting back to them." I rolled my eyes as i thought to myself about how wrong he was.
I couldn't get to sleep after what the man said about my family be worried about me, so I told Rosaleen I was going to walk back to the road to see if anyone driving by would notice me.
I stood there in the crisp blue twilight air for what seemed about another hour, but as i was giving up on hitch hiking a colored man driving a beat-up Chevy truck took pity on me and he slowed down and asked "where you heading."
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
Favorite fictional hero(sorta)

I dont really have a favorite hero person, but i had to choose one so..... I chose Spider man.
Well i chose spiderman because he is cool and has spider-like powers. For those who dont know spiderman,(but im sure you all do), he got his powers by being bitten by a geneticly altered spider. At first he couldn't shoot webs but he made a device thats goes on his arm to make sure he could.
My favorite Spiderman movie is number 3 where spiderman is possesed by an evil side or himself, but he keeps it with him for a while because it makes him stronger. But it was an evil side of him so he had to get rid of it. ya and well that's pretty much all i know about spiderman
besides who is enemies are, Doc Oc and the green goblin and his evil side and i dont know anybody else.I guess thats it.
What is Math and Physics?
I think math is a random stream of number that can be put or orginized into a form, from which we can learn from. I wonder who invented math? I surely don't know, but I'm sure some people do. well whoever it was that created math, I don't like them, because we have to learn it, and learning hurts my brain. like this....

What is Physics?
Hmm... Physics is just like math and science but a lot harder. all that atoms and stuff, and like 5 cubed plus (2)8 x 15 + 90= something square rooted....ugg. and u know, stuff like that, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out, (thank god!).
Thursday, September 3, 2009
30 things you didnt know about me
- I'm fifteen
- I'm a very picky eater
- I am not ellergic to anything
- I have only one kidney(because it exploded)
- I have broken my right arm three times
- I have broken my left leg only once
- I am five foot five
- My favorite game is halo 3/ halo 2
- I bowl but I love to play billiards
- I dont like most kinds of meat
- My favorite movie of all time is transformers 2 and number 1
- I dont like horror movies
- I am good at hockey
- I think my brother is a clone of me (lol?)
- My shoe size is nine point five
- This is my first time blogging
- I'm 25% Irish
- I love action movies
- I like to draw
- I play World Of Warcraft, for the Horde or the Alliance,(I play on Dragonblight) look at the bottom of this page....
- My favorite color is black, but not pure black
- I have brown/ blackish hair
- I LOVE chocolate
- I HATE pinnaple
- I dont like to wear jeans...
- I have a Dell at home
- I dont like to paint, but i like art
- I used to go to CPMA, before this school
- I cant think of anything to put in this spot
- I like football and dont like baseball